Monday, June 06, 2005


(Thursday, May 26, 2005 Hopefully no one gets stupid (like a DUI) to cut this weekend short.) Unfortunately, my prediction came true. Fortunately, no one got injured and we didn't get recalled early to be lectured on mixing one part vehicle with two parts alcohol and three parts idiocy.

This first paragraph was written and saved as a draft on Friday morning. It is now Monday morning and guess what? Another DUI in the squadron, and this time, we got the recall Sunday morning. Apparently, this idiot had a designated driver drop him off at home after drinking. He then got hungry and drove to Hardees, three blocks away. The drive-thru kid smelled the booze and narc'ed on him. Idiot. I'm sure the whole story involved him pissing off everyone in Hardees and then they decided to call the cops on his drunk ass

So, I gotta get to work now. Hopefully this will be enough to appease Miss Lilly.


At Tue Jun 07, 12:43:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This did appease ms. lilly. she is very happy to see something new on your site.

Sounds like we should avoid Hardee's for awhile huh?


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