Wednesday, June 15, 2005

On Leave

I'm on leave till Friday. The plan is to clean my basement. We'll see...
So far, I've acquired a new image hosting website and checked some email. Basement's untouched.
This picture always makes me laugh.

Here's a tip from the TV Show "Cleen Sweep" on TLC: Keeping one pair of "Skinny" pants is a great way to get inspired to lose weight. Keeping more then that is just cluttering up your closet, you fat ass. Adding the "fat ass" part was my idea. Genius, I know.

Ok, I've gotta start on that basement.

To track my progress, I'll keep a log for everyone to see.

Slim's Basement Job
Current Day: 1
Days Left in Project: 2
Trips to Dumpster: 0
Percent Completed: 0%
Time Wasted: 2 hours, 44 minutes


At Wed Jun 15, 10:15:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Lilly thinks you sound awfully productive....Maybe you could be productive with Maytay. Let me know!!


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