Tuesday, July 19, 2005


So I'm getting my coffee in this morning, thought I'd post something while I drank. I'm off to do some out-processing this morning. The part that sucks about that is you've got to do alot of it in uniform. So I put on the ole rags and let me tell you, I forgot how much I hate socks. For the last couple of weeks, its been shorts and sandles. Not a sock in sight. They're so restricting. And then you got the whole boot thing on top of the sock. I'm not even gonna get started on those things.

I finally got around to posting on my Japanese Blog last night. After speaking my kid-like uneducated version of Japanese lo these many years, I realize I'm really quite illiterate and I've got a lot to learn. I can speak some and understand quite a bit, but writing it is a whole new ball game. I've been relying on charades and stick figure drawings to get my point across for too long. It's time to study grammar and sentence structure, not too mention how to actually read! If you have Japanese language support on your browser, like Internet Explorer, go up to and click the view menu, and scroll down to encoding. Then pop over to, if its there, Japanese (Auto Select) or maybe Unicode (UTF-8) and let the page automatically reload to read this: ばか。That's about all I'm good for this morning.


At Tue Jul 19, 08:29:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ms. Lilly can tell you what she thinks about socks also. If it wasn't for winter I don't think I would own a sock. Hopefully I can get squish to think the same way. Enjoy the socks!!!!


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