Sunday, July 24, 2005

Old Pics Found

I was looking through an old backup CD, and I found a few pictures from the Desert with the Horse. As BW said about the terrain there, "Greetings from Mars."

This picture was taken when we ran out of steel. We put up 1 and a half UBM's and the steel we ordered was held up in port and customs and stuff. They started to create work for us. "Someone" made this sign and we decided to take a pose. The rest of the crew was back in the tent city building a double-decker porch on our morale tent. The sign mysteriously disappeared later that day, no doubt taken down by the higher-ups; fun while it lasted. The head is missing from a guy I hate. I don't want him in my pictures, he's a piece of crap. The sign says, "Unemployed, will work for steel." In the background, the forms to place the concrete footers are ready, we just need steel to put the building there.

Here's a picture of our Milk Truck. You would not believe the high demand for milk on a jobsite in the desert. Once again, dumbshit's head is removed.

Here's another one. Me and JS hard at work. This was on the last building we put up, probably a couple of weeks before he broke his arm. He came over the other day to BS before I leave.

And finally, here's yours truly taking a break in a wheel barrow, waiting for the next cement truck to come. You take your breaks when you can get them. It was actually very comfortable.


At Tue Jul 26, 07:09:00 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

would that person have m.s?

At Tue Jul 26, 11:27:00 PM GMT+9, Blogger Tokyo Slim said...

Of course not; with MS you get a "Slim don't mess with me" card, but you've guessed who it was, Columbo!
No, this piece of work tried crying for every symptom he could think of to go home from the desert early. He cried so much about different things, the doc's finally sent him home early. Honest to God, he told me, "I've had these same symptoms for like 2 years, and they never found out what was wrong with me. Now they think it's MS." I told him it was the first I'd heard of any of his pains and people who have MS for over two years, untreated, usually are in far worse shape than feeling tired when there's work to be done. When we got back, I asked how his MS was:

Me: yo, how's yer MS?

The piece of crap: huh?

me: remember, that's why you had to come home early, to get it checked?

the POC: oh, yeah they never found it.

me: did you get a 2nd opinion? i mean, if it were me, and they thought it was serious enough to send me home, I'd want to know for sure.

POC: yeah, I never heard back from anyone

So, this is one of the many reasons he got his head taken off in my pictures; why he's a piece of crap.

At Tue Jul 26, 11:34:00 PM GMT+9, Blogger Tokyo Slim said...

Surprised I didn't catch this till now, so I'll beat you all to it:

"I was looking through an old backup CD, and I found a few pictures from the Desert with the Horse."

---Refers to REDHORSE, not "the horse with no name"


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