Monday, October 03, 2005

Miss Cleo Ain't Got Nothin'

I was gonna post the pictures of the last two adventures I went on, but somethimg came up. If you read this Blog, you know we have a dog named Yogi here. She was recently diagnosed as pregnant, by all of us. We took bets; first it was how many live puppies in the litter. Then we decided to bet on what day she would have them. Then I realized we had multiple bets on the same number of puppies, so I introduced the boy to girl ratio as a tie-breaker...

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, kids of all ages:
At 0930 hours on Monday, the 3rd of October, Yogi gave birth to 3 puppies, and then a fourth close to 1000 hours, with zero complications. Mother and children are all doing well.

Winning the bet of Birth Date is: Tokyo Slim, Monday, 3 October, 2005.
Winning the bet of Number of Pups: Tokyo Slim, Four Pups.
Winning the bet of Boy to Girl Ratio: Tokyo Slim, 3 Girls, 1 Boy.
To all those that doubt Tokyo Slim, Get Bent!

Enough about my winnings, here's Yogi's Babies:
Shy Yogi covers her nose

Tiny Pink Nose, Tiny Pink Mouth

The Group Responsible for the Valentine's Day Massacre, Sans Guns


At Tue Oct 04, 10:37:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,TokyoSlim!The puppies are so adorable!Well,seeya around!~.~
Daughter #1

At Tue Oct 04, 03:37:00 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you might of had some insider info


At Wed Oct 05, 06:10:00 AM GMT+9, Blogger Tokyo Slim said...

Yo, OPR12, Howzit!
It was like when the cows tell the farmer what expiration date to put on the milk carton!

At Fri Oct 07, 01:28:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Puppies are just like kids and husbands, cute till they grow up!!! But Ms. Lilly would not trade it for the world, kids and husband.


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