Sunday, July 31, 2005

Montana State Fair

Well, Friday, we took the kids to the State Fair. They had a blast. They had fun on the rides, ate corndogs and cotton candy, and we all got caricatures done. So, my cheap-ass decided to try to scan the drawings. The problem was, they were bigger than the scanner, so I split them into 2 scans, and then used Photoshop with the latest CS version to merge the two scans. It was so easy, I just highlighted the two scans in browser mode and clicked photomerge, sat back and let the magic happen.
Here’s me and the wife, our new wedding picture! You'd never know these pictures were made from two seperate images. Photoshop rocks.

Here's the kids, again, two scans merged into one, seamless:


At Fri Aug 05, 03:44:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like those pictures,except for your giant bald forehead!Ha Ha!
From Your Daughter 1


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