Monday, August 01, 2005

The Drug Post

So I found out where to score some cheap smack in Great Falls, Montana; at Smith's over by Pier 1 Imports, but more on that later.

About a week ago, we went to Barnes and Noble over by Pier 1 and Smith's, and I was feeling all rich and wasteful so I bought me and the wife a couple of Mocha Frappuccino's at the Starbucks in there. These things are liquid crack! They are so delicious that you can’t stop sipping on them, but they have ice in them, so you get the whole brain freeze, ice cream-head-ache thing going on. You have to stop and let your blood raise your cranial temperature back to normal so you can function, and then you take another couple of hits on the straw and start the process over again. Yup, Liquid crack.

Today, we decided to grab a couple more cups of the liquid crack; hurts so good. Anyway, we were on that side of town so we decided to pop into Smith’s to look for red pickled ginger, and that’s when we found cheap smack. Here’s a pic of our stash:

12 for a dollar; now that's cheap smack!

Here's a close up of one bag,


At Thu Aug 04, 05:17:00 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That SMACK tastes like a real smacker.
Rachel 梨香


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