Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Relish, not Sauerkraut

It's almost gone. I've looked forward to this weekend, mainly just to sit on my ass and do whatever the hell I felt like, or nothing at all if it hit me. It was great. We went out shopping on Saturday and I bought an electronic dart board. We have enjoyed it the last few nights after dinner, throwing sharp objects. It's good to have the TV off for awhile, and spend time together.
You know what's great about summertime weekends? Hot Links fresh off the grill for breakfast and no socks or shoes all day. Sandals are ok. La Vita E Bella!
I've enjoyed every second of this weekend, and hopefully the rest of this day will be as good as the others.
Happy Memorial Day

Monday, May 30, 2005

You Can All Eat Me!!!

I Got an Andy Capp Hot Fry in my Keyboard

Stupid Andy Capp and his tasty-ass hot fries. It's a laptop, there's no bouncing back from this one. It's gonna take therapy. The stupid piece of baked corn and potato greatness is right there. I can see it, I just can't... quite... reach it... Need coffee.--- Ok, got coffee. So this fry isn't impeding anything. Not screwing up any words or letters, but it's just sitting there, all orange and stuff. It irks me. I'm off Andy Capp for awhile. I'll have no more of this. By the way, the suggested spelling of "Capp" is cape, on spell check. See for yourself. It's good cape weather.

There's nothing lonelier than an ignored Slip and Slide. It's just squirting away here next to me, waiting for any kid to walk on up and take a chance. Don't know if anyone's taken a look at one since 4th grade, but it's got warnings now. All over it. No one over 5 feet tall or 110 pounds. More coffee.---Got it. Man, I'm a chuggin' the old Java today. And I'll keep on a-chuggin it, Mack!! That's right, I said Mack. No one says mack anymore, so I've decided to bring it back. I'm bringin' back the mack, mack. Matay and I have discussed this. We agreed I was an idiot.

Speaking of Matay, he and I are going to Korea to golf. When's the last time you and your friend went to golf in Korea, hmm? In January, we drove to Red Deer, Alberta, Canada to eat Greek food, twice. There's a lot more to both of those stories, but we wouldn't sound as cool and care-free. More coffee.---That's the last of it. Next beverage is gonna be lemonade.

Have you ever gotten dressed in front of a dog and wondered what the dog was thinking? Slammed it! The coffee portion of today is officially over. Shot-gunning coffee makes me feel less asleep. I like to come out to my backyard when my Chihuahua's are there. I always say, "Where's my dog's at". It makes me feel all Gangstah and shit. They just look at me. You can waste a lot of humor on a dog. Someday they'll laugh.

I think I'll get on with something else for awhile. The coffee's got me zooted. I think I'll just stop typing mid-sentence for a creative way to

Where's My Dawgs At?

Where's my Dawg's at?

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sweet Horrible News

The dishwasher is on the way out. It's the crappiest dishwasher I've ever had. You can usually expect to re-wash half the stuff that you put in there. Well, yesterday, somewhere in the cycle, something fell through the racks and landed on the heating element. It not only melted, it got hot enough to melt the bottom pan of the dishwasher. So now there's a gaping hole in the thing and if we use it again, water will get into the electrical crap under it.

Why is this sweet? It's now broken just enough to be replaced, rather than repaired. It'll cost us nothing, because it was a legitimate accident, and is covered by housing maintenance.

Why is this horrible? It happened on Friday morning, and no one can come out until Tuesday. Of course, it is Memorial Day Weekend, so we can barbecue and eat on paper plates all weekend and not feel to lazy.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Here Comes A Long Weekend

Phase I Over

We finished the Phase I exercise, now we prep for a week, then its time for Phase II. Tomorrow is my Lion's Club Highway Cleanup, then its time for Memorial Day Weekend. Hopefully no one gets stupid (like a DUI) to cut this weekend short. I plan on doing a bit of grilling and a whole lot of relaxing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Time for Another Stupid Exercise

Well, the Phase I Exercise kicked off this morning. It started at an excruciating slow pace, as usual. The cool thing is it will be a lot more brief than past Phase I's.
At lunch today, several of us played Texas Hold'em, I brought my chips in this morning in hopes of a game. I busted out first twice, but it was good, free fun anyway.
We might try to play again tomorrow, I sure hope so. I gotta win my pride back!


Monday, May 23, 2005

Wireless Internet and Great Weather

I am sitting in my backyard in the shade with my laptop. Got a big glass of lemonade with a crap-load of ice in it. The chihuahua's are chilling in the grass. My kids are making treasure maps and "exploring" the backyard. It's a beautiful day and I think I'll play some online poker out here. Wireless internet is fantastic. The Contender is on tonight. Gonna barbecue some ribs, Korean style. Summer Sundays kick ass.
My best friend had his wedding reception yesterday. I made two pans of baked ziti for it. I started the gravy on Friday night, it turned out spectacular. What a great weekend.
My wife just joined us out here. I hope she doesn't want to go anywhere today, this backyard is just too comfortable.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Stream Lined

I just closed my homepage. Never got the thing running. Wasted money paying for the domain name, what an idiot I can be. Decided to keep this thing going. Who knows.